Tue 19 Feb - Tue 05 Mar

Luke Martin

Luke Martin’s work takes the essence of familiarity and drenches it in surreal fantasies. Incorporating a multitude of media forms, Martin subverts mundane and predictable subjects by placing them in unfamiliar contexts. Elements of clean photography shine through otherwise unworldly landscapes, creating an awe-inspiring uncanny experience enhanced by the artistry of patterns and shapes found in natural forms. The artist’s influence from Dutch renaissance painter Hieronymus Bosch is evident by his nod to sublime imagery and the strangeness of reality through digital collaging. Characterised by catastrophic cosmic events, Martin’s designs inject energy and intrigue into each print, often used for the promotional material for the events hosted by DJ collective Me Gusta, which the artist is part of. Influenced by the communal spirit of the creatives he collaborates with and the lively, multicontinental music that they play, Martin produces refreshing, stimulating works that thrive through bold colour schemes. Originally from London, currently based in Manchester, Luke Martin is a graphic design artist, composer and DJ.

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